How To Get Into A Frat Party: A Practical Guide For Cal Day

Although pop culture sees fraternities and college students as party animals, the reality is somewhat different. College campuses aren’t as over the top as teen comedies from the late nineties would have you believe. Sure, your college experience can be lots of fun, but don’t expect it to resemble a movie. The only thing we can agree with Hollywood on is that those will be the best years of your life. This is a big difference from school to school. At many universities, there are dedicated weeks for everyone to go to such as “Welcome Week,” “Sylly Week” or Halloween.

You Get More Guy Friends

I wish that you would be there when I say “I Do” at my wedding ceremony some day. I wish that you could meet my future husband and approve of him and then maybe scare him a little. I wish you could be sitting in the church as I give my vows and promise to love my future husband as deeply as you loved me and our entire family. While that is a good route, sorority events are not even close to as awesome as fraternity events for the most part. Usually small-town boys that can’t deal with a big city/big school and insulate themselves so their boorish behavior can be reinforced as they self-congratulate one another.

This is a great place for people to get to know an organization and its people outside of the crazy frat party atmosphere. AmIblue is right- this is part of an adult relationship. Making time to see each other is important for any relationship, Greek or not. Probably not- it isn’t the same kind of relationship. If you were one of her girlfriends from outside of the sorority, I would say maybe, but a boyfriend? You will be her respite FROM the sorority- everyone is rainbows and unicorns now.

How To Get To Know Good Frat Guys

Maybe I am the one who officially decided we aren’t friends anymore, but you decided too. I will take responsibility for leaving, for transferring colleges, for making new friends, for growing up. I know I left you, but that didn’t change our friendship for me. I never stopped being your best friend. I know I had to go days at a time without texting you back.

There is always the pressure of never wearing the same dress twice, especially if pictures are going to be taken. But I never miss an opportunity to dress up. So, I marched to my school’s health center and told the doctor, “No, I’m not dating anyone. Yes, I have someone in mind to have sex with but there is no guarantee. I just want to be safe.” I got my prescription, went to CVS, and set my birth control alarm to say, “Thanks Margaret Sanger.” A few weeks later, I went back to CVS and bought condoms.

This is what its like to be a gdi and date a frat guy, panhellenic insider decoding 9 greek life assumptions

71 percent of Greeks graduate compared to the 50 percent non-Greeks, because—wait, fraternity guys study? Dating a guy involved in Greek life means you’ve got to be open to meeting new people. If you’re a social turtle, you better wake up and stretch your skinny, wrinkly neck out once in a while to say hello to a new friend or two.

Frat boys are immature and mostly afraid of having an actual relationship with someone. Most of the time, boys try to avoid the “are we exclusive” talk. Most frat boys just want sex with no attachments. You deserve a man instead of a boy who’s scared of commitment. I’m sorry, but you sound very insecure and immature about your relationship. My daughter was very active in her sorority all through college and dated a GDI soph-sr year.

They spoil you and treat you how you always wanted to be treated. This is the type of guy that promises he will do something great for your anniversary but continues putting it off until you are too old to leave your front porch. He cares way too much about how he looks, his reputation, and being the center of the universe. He will charm you so that you’ll fall into his trap.

Giphy.comWho knew that smaller groups of two or three are much more approachable than a group of seven giggling girls? Just don’t branch off and stand around; pair up with a mission in mind. Go approach the yummy guy at the keg together. At least you know she’ll laugh at your jokes.

Maybe the guy-to-girl ratio of your group sucks. Maybe somebody got alcohol poisoning and the ambulance is on their way. For whatever reason, the brother at the door is not letting you in. You just have to do a little persuading. I wanted to rush before I met boyfriend but I didn’t get the opportunity to until recently.

It’s a great way to find new people you can share your interests with. You see, spending your time constantly with guys is great and all, but sometimes you want someone you can talk to about girl stuff. If you show up to frat parties with two or three girlfriends, it may help your likelihood of getting in if ratios are important to your frats. For example, Lehigh University is a predominantly male school, so fraternities take extra effort to make sure that there are two or three girls for every guy. That way, there aren’t a flock of boys and only a few girls dancing, which can be a little intimidating.

I knew I wanted to rush but seeing how much he enjoys Greek Life makes me want to even more. He is so close with his brothers and he rarely has anything negative to say about his frat. I want to find a group that gives me the same support that he receives from his brothers. I hate this question more than anything.

After many weekends visiting the house, I’ve realized 10 things that happen when you date a frat guy. A lot of sororities do events with the same frats so it is more than likely that those guys have definitely hooked up with one of your sisters. You’ll have to go through the whole awkward ordeal of running into his past hookups. Even if you’re not in a sorority, you’ll have to go to events where you’ll see other girls he’s been with.

If they accept me, I don’t want it to be because of my boyfriend. I want to be accepted, because the sisters genuinely like me and want me to be a part of their family. Relationships should be a two-way street. Hell, that’s true for even friendships and general encounters!

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